5 Reasons to Use the Mailgun API for eCommerce Email Marketing
When potential buyers sign up for your email newsletter, do they ever actually get sent anything? If they never got a message back, then they might come to the conclusion that you’ve gone out of business! You’d be surprised to learn how many sites lack solid email marketing tools that actually stay in touch with anyone beyond the initial validation email.
Whether you run an eCommerce startup or a simple blog, you need a reliable system that ensures everything you write gets out to your customers. That’s why the experts at Mailem.io recommend the Mailgun API. It can tackle the needs of the most popular sites just as easily as those of small independent businesses.
Don’t take our word for it, though. Check out these reasons you should be using this powerful transactional service.
When the original developers wrote the Mailgun API, they were concerned about compatibility. They didn’t want to make a system that could only be used by people who had installed specific other tools. You’re free to integrate Mailgun-based tools into your current workflows regardless of what kinds of technology you’re currently using. In fact, you shouldn’t have much of an issue even if you couldn’t name one single underlying module your eCommerce site uses for email marketing!
Having read that, you’re more than likely thinking that’s a drawback. Nobody should have to sort through unwanted email, though, so giving your customers an opt-out process is a humongous boost to your firm’s reputation. Perhaps most importantly, though, many inbox services consider automated mail without any unsubscribe links to be junk. This feature ensures that your clients get a chance to read your message, and that can really help conversion rates over the long haul.
Assume for a moment that you run a site that gets a fair number of people to sign up or schedule for something on a daily basis. Eventually you spot a huge spike in this already large value. Would your site be able to handle some sort of haywire bot artificially spamming you with traffic for no reason? The Mailgun API includes an integrated email validation system that can help protect your forms from crawling bots.
Wouldn’t it be nice to see just how many emails you’ve sent without having to look through your outbox all of the time? If you’re trying to keep track of metric data for analytic reasons, then you’re probably especially concerned with this kind of thing. Mailgun automatically keeps track of everything you send out, so you can go back and take a look later on.
How are you supposed to improve your conversion rates if you can’t even be sure that your emails are reaching their destination? Mailgun ensures that emails sent out from your site end up inside of inboxes rather than spam folders. If you’ve been burned in the past because of server configuration issues and overactive spam filters, then you should find that these things aren’t much of an issue in the world of Mailgun technology. It’s also fully SMTP compatible, so you won’t have to worry about setting things up on your end either. Unlike PHP-based technology, messages sent through Mailgun aren’t immediately treated as spam by most services.
At it’s base, though, Mailgun is nothing more than a bunch of code sitting on a drive somewhere. You need a complete solution to harness it’s power and focus it on improving your conversion rates. Contact us online to learn more about how combining our Mailem platform with the Mailgun API can help to revolutionize the way you market to your list.