Do you want your emails to end up in spam folders across the entire world? You hopefully answered no to that question!
If you want to make sure that your messages don’t end up in the proverbial bit bucket, then you need to spam test your Mailgun mass email marketing campaigns before you run them. Fortunately, its easy to run one of these inspections before you use the app to manage your campaign.
Consider the following before you decide to skip this important step!
A vast majority of people who use consumer-grade standard free inboxes have an account with one of maybe four or five different services online. Even if those were the only services you ever had to deal with, you’d still need to be prepared to investigate how each of these routed your message. Now take a moment to consider the fact that numerous other users have a work account or something through a private server. You’ll never be able to guess whether your email will get marked as spam on all these systems if you don’t run a test beforehand. In some cases, only one or two services will accept a message while others will reject it. Running a test gives you a chance to balance your message so everyone receives it.
When your outbox gets marked as a spam account, various other agencies might start to pick up on that. Getting blacklisted across the board is a serious problem that’s hard to fix later on. Running a spam test beforehand can prevent this kind of messy issue from ever occurring in the first place. Consider this to be a sort of proactive reputation management that’s actually easier than traditional reputation management in many ways since there’s only one point of origin to look at.
Have you ever had an inbox full of bounceback notifications? It’s a pain to have to sort through these. On top of that, each rebound represents one more person who never saw your message and therefore never had a chance to even read your pitch. By spam testing your campaign first, you’ll know right away which inbox providers use overactive filters that aren’t capable of receiving your message. This is especially important if you do any kind of international business, since overseas services are likely to handle email differently than domestic ones.
For a majority of users, the spam tools provided with their email client or offered by their provider are enough to block annoying emails they don’t want to read. You can never tell if they’re using a third-party tool that’s even more sensitive than provider-offered ones, however. If you don’t take the opportunity to run a test, then you might be missing out on customers who use these tools. This is especially true if you’re sending out messages to anyone who uses an employer-provided email.
Don’t be too quick to say that this scenario is unrealistic. While third-party spam filters aren’t all that common, those who use them tend to be the tech-savvy clients that you’re trying to reach out to with your pitch.
Automated blacklists aren’t the only things that you risk getting put on when you’re inadvertently marked as a spammer. Perhaps more importantly, you could end up hurt in the court of public opinion. On the Internet, word of mouth spreads really fast. makes it easy to automate and streamline the Mailgun tool, so you’ll be able to send mass email faster than you had ever thought possible. You’ll also be able to make sure every message you send out hits the inbox instead of the spam filter. Contact us today to learn more about how you can take your marketing campaign to the next level.